

What is CCJ Instability or Cranial Cervical Syndrome?

Chris Centeno, M.D.

Publicerades den 2 aug. 2019

What is a DMX and How Can It Diagnose CCJ Instability?

Chris Centeno, M.D.

Publicerades den 2 aug. 2019

What is an Upright MRI Can It Diagnose CCJ Instability?

Chris Centeno, M.D.

Publicerades den 2 aug. 2019

Can a Special MRI Diagnose CCJ Instability?

Chris Centeno, M.D.

Publicerades den 2 aug. 2019

What is a Powers Ratio Neck Measurement and What Does It Mean?

Chris Centeno, M.D.

Publicerades den 2 aug. 2019

What is a Grabb Oakes Measurement and What Does It Mean?

Chris Centeno, M.D.

Publicerades den 2 aug. 2019

IFV 2013 Dr. Bennet Omalu on CTE and Brain Injuries

DMX (Digital Motion X-Ray) Introductory Video – Narrated by Dr. John Postlethwaite

DMX & Whiplash

Nervsystemet del 1 ( CNS o PNS)

Agne Paulsson

Vad som är det centrala nervsystemet och det perifera nervsystemet.

Unspecific Knee Pain

Bo C Bertilson

The typical symtoms and signs in a patient with unspecific knee pain/anterior knee pain/patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) as

illustrated by MD PhD Bo C Bertilson

Digital Motion X-Rays – A Memorable Story

In January of 2006, Amanda was involved in a rear end collision that severely injured her neck. After five MRIs, two CT Scans and dozens of static X-Rays, all the medical specialists who examined her agreed that she was not injured and that everything was in her head, or even worse, she was faking it. This is the amazing story of her journey to find the truth that saved her life.


Baserad på verklighet Will Smith spelar rollen som dr Bennet Omalu. The NFL’s Concussion Crisis. Investigate the health crisis that threatens NFL players and the long-term fortunes of football. Will Smith stars as an American hero who took on an institution to deliver the truth.

Frontline League of Denial, 2013

Iron Mike Webster: Patient Zero in the NFL’s “League of Denial” (Part 1 of 9) | FRONTLINE

Jan Lidbeck Pensionerad med dr, smärtläkare

Tidigare enhetschef för Smärtrehab, Helsingborgs lasarett, överläkare vid Sektionen för specialiserad smärtrehabilitering och Kompetenscentrum (område smärta), Rehabiliteringsmedicinska kliniken, Skånes universitetssjukhus och ledamot av Medicinska rådet för rörelseorganens sjukdomar vid Södra Regionvårdsnämnden.


Justitiemord på en läkare se intervju med jur kand, med lic Siv Westerberg, Göteborg. Siv Westerberg berättar om hur hon en framgångsrik läkare, som satte patienten främst blev berövad på sin läkar-legitimation och vad det i sin tur ledde till.